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Be Heard about Your Generation

Sat, Oct 14



Boomer, Gen Z, Millennials, etc. -- how true for you are generational labels and their stereotypes? What’s something people of a different age don't understand about your generation? How does your age affect how you relate to others older or younger than you?

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Be Heard about Your Generation
Be Heard about Your Generation

Time & Location

Oct 14, 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM PDT


About the Event

Another way we experience the cultural divide is by being categorized by our age group. We are fed images and tropes about "that generation," and maybe some of them are true -- but maybe not. Join us for this opportunity to go beyond the labels, to discover the nuances, and to really hear what it's like for others in different generations. 

As always, it's our intention to have all voices be heard. Come share your experience and your views in this conversation in which we might respectfully disagree, but where we will ultimately bridge the cultural divide.

If you haven't joined us before, please know that our Round Tables are a respectful place where people with varied backgrounds and beliefs can vulnerably voice their experience with the "other." We will have ground rules to set up a brave space where you can speak from your own experience, and share your own story of what it is like to have your view. We will not be debating or convincing each other. Please note, you do not have to speak to participate and experience the benefits.

Intended Results:

  • You will feel heard about your experience of our current reality
  • You will deepen your ability to hear others – even those you disagree with
  • And you will be inspired to take actions to create a world where love wins

This event is free, but you must pre-register. And yes, please invite your friends, especially those who have a different view than you. We welcome all who are willing to participate with an open mind and open heart!

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